AET secures 90 MWt biomass-fired boiler plant order

Aalborg Energie Technik a/s (AET) assists Solvay in achieving its new greenhouse gas target by means of a new AET Biomass Boiler, which will lower the CO2 emissions by 190,000 tonnes/year, as it replaces a coal-fired boiler plant. Solvay has set the target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 1 million tonnes during 2017 – 2025.

With the high-efficiency cogeneration plant, called the Woodpower project, in Rheinberg (Nordrhein-Westphalen), the use of fossil fuel is to be reduced by 25% at the site.

The AET Biomass Boiler will burn recycled wood, which will be sourced locally. It will be designed for a fuel heat input of 90 MWt and a boiler efficiency of 92%. The AET scope of supply includes AET Combustion System, AET Biomass Boiler, AET SNCR DeNOx System, flue gas cleaning system, boiler house, electrical system, and PLC control and SCADA system.

The AET Combustion System and AET Biomass Boiler will be optimized for the project and are similar in design to the boiler at Tilbury Green Power, which was recently commissioned by AET.

The combination of the AET Combustion System, AET Biomass Boiler and AET SNCR DeNOx System ensure low emissions, which comply with the German 17. BlmSchV and the new BAT associated emission levels from the EU.

To ensure a trouble-free integration with the Solvay factory, the same DCS system as is used today at the Solvay factory will be applied for the entire CHP plant. Furthermore, the design of the boiler plant will in some ways be adapted to the existing energy plant at the Solvay site to obtain synergies e.g. for operation and maintenance as well as safety.

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