Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP), which has proposed a 550mi natural gas pipeline to bring much-needed energy to Virginia and North Carolina, announced an agreement totalling more than USD 400M with Dura-Bond Industries to produce steel pipe for the project.
Pending approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the ACP would run from Harrison County, West Virginia, southeast through Virginia with a lateral extension to Chesapeake, Virginia, and then south through eastern North Carolina to Robeson County. If approved, construction is scheduled to start in late 2016.
Photo courtesy of Dura-Bond Industries
Dura-Bond, which ACP selected after an extensive bidding process, is scheduled to produce the pipe at its Steelton, Pennsylvania, mill beginning late 2015 through March 2017. The ACP joint venture reached the agreement with Dura-Bond prior to FERC approval because of the long lead-time needed to buy raw materials and to get a guaranteed production schedule for this large amount of new pipe. ACP expects to file its FERC application late this summer, receive its FERC certificate in the summer of 2016 and begin construction shortly thereafter. The pipeline is expected to be in service by late 2018.
Producing about 540mi of pipe ranging from 30″ to 42″ outside diameter is the largest single order in Dura-Bond’s history, said Dura-Bond Vice President Jason Norris.