Abakan’s 72%-owned subsidiary, MesoCoat received the prestigious National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Materials Performance (MP) Corrosion Innovation of the Year Award in the Coatings and Linings category. The award was conferred upon MesoCoat’s CermaClad high-speed, large-area, metal cladding technology that extends the useful life of metal assets while significantly reducing associated maintenance and downtime costs. CermaClad technology utilises a high-intensity arc lamp to rapidly fuse protective, proprietary cladding materials onto the internal surface of steel pipe and tube.
ACE International is recognised as the premier authority for corrosion control solutions and develops corrosion prevention and control standards, certification and education. The Corrosion Innovation of the Year awards showcase progressive technological developments in all aspects of corrosion prevention and mitigation and recognise the innovators who have created revolutionary solutions to combat corrosion.
“It is extremely motivating for our team to see the world’s preeminent corrosion association honouring CermaClad technology as the top anti-corrosion coatings technology available today”, said Abakan CEO Robert Miller. “This award, along with several others received for CermaClad, coupled with the support we’ve received from many Oil and Gas majors and some of the world’s largest offshore pipe manufacturers provide further validation for the enormous potential of our technology.”