A man with real heart for the business:

Posted 30 September by David Sear
Stainless steels may be highly technical products that can be precisely defined, but they are bought and sold by people.
In other words, like in practically every other enterpise we need to have confidence in the seller. Will his claims of materials suitability hold true? Will the required documentation be provided? Will the parts be delivered on time?
One man who knows the value of this trust is Luuk Dallau, who this reporter was surprised yet delighted to meet at a recent trade show in Holland.
Surprised because there was a rumour that after 41 years Luuk had finally retired.
Delighted because hearing Luuk talk about the business is always a pleasure.
So, I was hugely pleased when he readily agreed to a short video interview, in which he explains his latest venture.
A real heart for the business
With over 41 years’ experience, Luuk Dallau (Purchase Manager Roestvrij) knows all the ins and out of the stainless steel sector.
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