KZG installs a wastewater treatment plant from GWE

Starch manufacturer in Russia, Gulkevichsky Starch Factory (KZG) doubles its corn processing capabilities and mitigates the environmental impact by installing a new wastewater treatment plant from Global Water & Energy (GWE). 
KZG increases its production capacity from current 120,000 tons a year and adds new quality products to its portfolio. The new wastewater treatment plant designed by GWE combines the most effective proprietary technologies to guarantee full compliance with all local environmental legislation. As part of the partnership, GWE’s team will manage part of the project execution and train KZG staff to operate the newly built wastewater treatment plan successfully.
The multi-step treatment line includes several GWE starship technologies, including the robust and highly-efficient ANUBIXTM – B – Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) System.
GWE’s ANUBIXTM technologies radically enhance effluent quality and, where required, can transform the organic industrial wastewater and waste into biogas which can be later used as a renewable fuel source at the factory.
After the anaerobic treatment, the residual organic contamination is removed in the ACTIVOXTM – a conventional activated sludge system followed by a final clarifier – to meet the local pollution control norms of treated water.
KZG installs a wastewater treatment plant from GWE_Starch-factory-wastewater-treatment-plant-Gulkevichesky-Starch-factory-2020.jpg
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