Stolthaven Westport held an event recently to celebrate the official opening of its new Terminal 2 (T2), set to offer customers enhanced efficiency and additional storage capacity.
This project includes the installation of 22 stainless steel 304 storage tanks with a total capacity of 68,600m3 and facilities to cater for the trucks, pipelines, and shipment operations. T2 also includes five additional export lines to the newly completed jetty 4A to further improve efficiencies and the terminal’s ability to meet the storage and handling needs of our customers.
Work on the new terminal began in 2022 and has been a truly collaborative effort between multiple partners, including the local and federal authorities, Port Klang Authority (PKA) represented on the day by Mr. Sri Muhunan, and WESTPORTS Malaysia Sdn Bhd represented by Mr. Nanthakumar. The opening ceremony was an opportunity to give special thanks and present its partners with a commemorative plaque in honour of their invaluable contributions.
Stolthaven Westport is located in Port Klang, Malaysia, and functions as a break-bulk facility for domestic distribution, a make-bulk facility for export, and a regional distribution hub. The terminal is 2 km from the Westport Container Terminal, which is being developed as Malaysia’s main port and facilitates packaged exports throughout the region.