Life cycle thinking to support materials selection

The notion of life-cycle thinking is becoming more and more important in society. Furthermore, adopting this type of thinking is vital to ensure making the best possible decisions to safeguard the future of the global society and the planet (Earth). Many people understand this message, but little has really changed in their day-to-day lives. The notion of using resilient materials in society has been subliminally overtaken by the single-use principle.

During the next webinar, worldstainless Secretary-General, Tim Collins will provide some enlightening thinking and approaches that will encourage people to think from a life-cycle perspective in both their everyday and professional lives. Tim will use real-world examples to illustrate why life-cycle thinking is not just important, it is critical to safeguard a fair future for the upcoming generations. Therefore, join us at the stimulating and free ‘Life-Cycle Thinking’ webinar on 1 December 2022.

The webinar is being conducted to accommodate all participants worldwide.

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