One year after the groundbreaking ceremony for the world’s most advanced special steel plant, construction work for the EUR350 M project in Kapfenberg, Styria, is on schedule. After completion of the construction site and associated infrastructure, Group company voestalpine Böhler Edelstahl has now awarded the contract for construction of the hall of the steel plant: Austrian companies Unger Stahlbau Ges.m.b.H, based in Oberwart, Burgenland, and Haslinger Stahlbau GmbH, headquartered in Feldkirchen, Carinthia, will form a consortium to erect the steel construction, which will cover an area of three hectares. The industrial equipment permit for the new plant was issued in March 2019.
The 50,000 m² construction site has been completely leveled and secured with a 700 m-long retaining wall. The access roads, assembly area, and infrastructure needed by the subcontractors are also operational.
Preparation is forging ahead at full speed: Around a month ago, construction work began on the foundations for the hall, which is scheduled for completion by February 2020. 150 people are currently at work at the construction site, with another 100 active in project planning.