Kizomba celebrates 1000th offload

Highland Foundry Ltd in Canada recently congratulated the team of the ExxonMobil Angola on celebrating an important milestone –  the Kizomba A FPSO achieved its 1000th crude offload. Kizomba A started up in 2004 and at the time, was the largest FPSO in the world. Highland Foundry was the proud supplier of super duplex castings to ExxonMobil for Kizomba A, B and C.

To mark the occasion, the Angola Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas (MIREMPET), Dr Diamantino Azevedo, and representatives of the National Concessionaire (ANPG) boarded the FPSO to share the moment with the highly competent team of Angolans running the offshore facility. ExxonMobil has committed to developing the local workforce and is proud that over 92% of its workforce is Angolan. The talents of these employees was on full display during the presentations and guided tour. Many employees attended the National Petroleum Institute (INP) in Sumbe, and  were thrilled to discuss their experiences with the minister, who is also an alumni.

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