FSRU secured for Port Kembla Gas Terminal

AIE has entered into an agreement with Norwegian company, Höegh LNG, to supply the Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) for the proposed Port Kembla Gas Terminal (PKGT).

Höegh LNG is a leading FSRU provider that owns and operates a global fleet of FSRUs. Höegh commenced shipping operations almost a century ago and has provided specialised operations in LNG carrier transport and regasification for more than four decades.

The FSRU is a critical component of the PKGT. The vessel will be moored at Berth 101 in Port Kembla’s inner harbour and accept cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from LNG carriers, store the LNG and convert it on-board from liquid back to gas. The gas will then be transferred onshore and be piped into the gas transmission network. By securing a Höegh vessel, AIE has ensured the FSRU technology will include the latest safety and environment-friendly solutions available on the global market.

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