SGQ finds more high-grade nickel-copper sulphides

St George Mining Limited (SGQ) is pleased to announce that further high-grade nickel-copper sulphides have been intersected in drilling at the Mt Alexander Project, located near Leonora in the north-eastern Goldfields.

MAD112 was completed in the eastern section of the Investigators Prospect to test a discrete down-hole EM (DHEM) conductor. The drill hole successfully intersected a prospective ultramafic unit between 102.9m to 116.65m down-hole.

Massive sulphides were intersected in an ultramafic unit from 102.9 metres depth that included intersections of massive sulphides with XRF grades up to 8.6% nickel and 2.6% copper.

Laboratory assays are pending and are required to confirm the grades shown herein which are based on portable XRF analysis only.

MAD112 has confirmed massive sulphides 40m down dip from MAD33 and 120m down dip from MAD32.

The intervals of massive and disseminated sulphides in MAD112 imply a structural influence. There are breaks in the mineralised ultramafic, as evidenced by MAD24, but this does not exclude the potential for both additional mineralisation down dip and for structural thickening of the massive sulphide mineralisation.

A DHEM survey will be completed in MAD112 later this week to assist in identifying the extent of the massive sulphides around the drill hole and the potential for further down dip extensions of the mineralisation.

MAD113 is currently being drilled, and all other drill holes have been completed.

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