Bechtel completes Hummel station power plant in USA

Bechtel, a project management, engineering, procurement, and construction company, has completed the Hummel Station Power Plant in Shamokin Dam, Pa., for Panda Power Funds. The 1,124-megawatt natural gas-fueled combined-cycle power facility will supply electricity to more than 1 million homes in the region.

Bechtel provided project management, engineering, procurement, construction, and start-up services for the plant, while its consortium partner, Siemens, was responsible for core power elements, including the natural gas and steam turbines, generators, and heat recovery steam generators.

The Hummel Station power facility is located at the site of the retired Sunbury coal-fired power plant, and is one of the largest coal-to-natural gas power replacement projects in the United States. The project created approximately 1,000 construction jobs, and the plant will retain more than 30 long-term jobs to support its operation.

Bechtel is a global leader in the design, procurement, and construction of combined-cycle power plants, having delivered facilities in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Brazil, Taiwan, Egypt, India, Turkey, and Mexico.

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