SEAH CHANGWON INTEGRATED SPECIAL STEEL CORP. has recently contracted FRIEDRICH KOCKS GmbH & Co KG, Morgårdshammar AB and AIC for a modernization project at its steel plant in Changwon, continuing decades of successful partnership with the Korean special steel producer.
The SeAH group acquired SEAH CHANGWON INTEGRATED SPECIAL STEEL CORP. (formerly known as POSCO Specialty Steel and Sammy Steel) in March 2015. Two existing KOCKS blocks – a Precision Sizing Block (PSB) and a 370/10 3-roll intermediate Block will be replaced by two 2-high HV stands, three Loopers, a Crop & Cobble Shear and a 370++ RSB SCS® of the latest design with 6 stand positions.
The RSB SCS® is the latest milestone in reducing and sizing technology for SBQ products and offers SeAH CSS enhanced bar and wire quality, improved productivity, mill availability and economy as well as a simplified, safe and environmentally friendly operation.
The RSB SCS® is designed for the production of steel bar and rod in coils with a finished size range from 16.0 to 100.0 mm Ø and any pre-sections for the wire mill with a size range from 5.5 to 16.0 mm diameter at a maximum rolling speed of 15 m / s.