New Greenlee XT Cobalt Step Bits for steel cutting

Greenlee® / A Textron has developed XT Cobalt Step Bits for drilling clean, smooth holes through stainless steel in commercial, industrial and residential applications.

XT Cobalt Step Bits are available in 1/2″, 7/8” and 1-1/8” sizes and are engineered using high speed steel with a cobalt additive, which maximizes the bits’ heat resistance and abrasion created by drilling. These bits also feature a new split point tip that eliminates walking and penetrates 10GA stainless steel in under 10 seconds.

The XT Cobalt Step Bits feature a dual-flute design and a steam oxide finish. The dual-flute design gives end-users two cutting edges that share the load and allows for faster cuts with less force, while the steam oxide finish penetrates the bit, enabling them to run cooler and last even longer.

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