MMK’s Mill 5000 produces 5Mt of metal

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) announced that hot-rolled products Mill 5000 has produced its five-millionth tonne of metal. Mill 5000 has an annual capacity of around 1.5Mt and is designed to produce high-margin thick-plate for the oil and gas, shipbuilding, bridge-building and machinery manufacturing industries. The Mill reached its design capacity in H2 2010.

The pipe-making industry is the Mill’s key customer. In the six years since Mill 5000 was commissioned, pipemakers such as ChelPipe, TMK, OMK and others have received 3.86Mt of metal designed for major pipeline projects run by companies including Gazprom, Transneft, and Lukoil. These projects include the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok, Bovanenkovo-Ukhta, Southern Corridor, Power of Siberia gas pipelines, as well as oil pipelines such as the Eastern Siberia–Pacific Ocean (ESPO), and Kuyumba-Tayshet routes.

Photo courtesy of MMK

The shipbuilding industry is another major consumer of Mill 5000 products. MMK has supplied over 95,000t of metal to such companies. MMK has also shipped over 164,000t to the bridge-building industry, 355,000t to rolling-stock manufacturing facilities, and over 11,000t to carmakers. Companies operating in other sectors have received over 395,000t of metal produced by Mill 5000. Over 192,000t of the Mill’s products have been exported. Since its commissioning, the Mill has started manufacturing around 130 new grades of steel, as well as steel output in a range of various typical sizes.

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