The Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group reported a solid performance in 2014 under challenging market conditions. Sales grew slightly in 2014, in part due to acquisitions and projects. The global network was expanded in Brazil, amongst others.
Van Leeuwen’s sales amounted to EUR 643M in 2014, a slight increase compared to 2013. The tonnage sold increased by 7% compared to 2013. The operating result and the net result amounted to EUR 11.9M and EUR 7.7M, respectively. Solvency remained strong at 41.5%.
The international company, active in the trade and distribution of steel pipes and tube products, benefited from its spread across regions and markets. Demand in the West European industry was weak, and from October, the low price of oil affected the energy market. Various Van Leeuwen companies, however, achieved good results, particularly in the Netherlands, Central Europe, Asia and Australia.
In 2014, Van Leeuwen continued to develop its global network of stock locations, service and treatment centres. Capacity is expanded by the new warehouses in the Czech Republic and Malaysia. The Brazilian company Tubexpress, and Combulex in which Van Leeuwen acquired the remaining 50% of shares at the beginning of 2014, contributed to the Group’s sales. In addition, a significant part of sales was generated from deliveries to global energy projects.