SSAB is launching GreenCoat colour-coated steel solutions to the global building industry. GreenCoat offers superior corrosion resistance, long lasting appearance and a lower impact on the environment, even in harsh weather conditions.
Photo courtesy of SSAB
GreenCoat is SSAB’s new brand for colour-coated products for the building industry and other segments. GreenCoat products feature a colour coating partially developed from plant oil instead of traditional fossil oil-based supply, which significantly reduces their environmental footprint. The GreenCoat products are highly resistant to corrosion, UV radiation as well as scrat¬ches, while still being easy to form. Due to this unique coating, GreenCoat offers many advantages over traditional materials. GreenCoat steel products for the building industry also provide builders with a significantly lighter material than concrete tiles and have a lower temperature elongation than other materials for reduced buckling. Furthermore, they are recyclable and easy to press, bend, cut, punch and profile.
All GreenCoat steels are available in a wide variety of attractive colours and finishes that are optimal for use in components such as roofs, rainwater systems, facades as well as for the profiling industry.