SSAB appoints president for Merox

SSAB is creating a new Group-level role with operational responsibility for its subsidiary Merox and a coordinating role in respect of the company’s sustainability work. Maria Långberg takes up the position as president of Merox AB in November and assumes responsibility for the Group´s Sustainability work as of September 1, reporting directly to SSAB’s president and CEO, Martin Lindqvist.

Merox is a wholly owned subsidiary of SSAB, tasked with optimising SSAB’s management of by-products, scrap and waste, with a focus on sustainability. In addition to operational responsibility for Merox, the position also includes responsibility for coordinating the Group’s sustainability work and Public Affairs. Hanna Friberg, currently President of Merox AB, will take up the position as head of business development at Merox on 1 November.

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