Neste Oil to restructure Executive Board

Neste Oil announced plans to change its structure and organisation in response to developments that have taken place in its businesses and operating environment in recent years.
“Neste Oil has changed rapidly over the last couple of years and this has created a need to change our internal organisation”, says president & CEO Matti Lievonen. “By updating our organisation and top-level responsibilities, we want to clarify and streamline the way we manage our businesses and improve our customer focus and our ability to react to changes in our markets.”
The Oil Products and Renewable Products businesses have been represented by one executive vice president on the Neste Executive Board (NEB) up until now, but will now be led by their own executive vice presidents in the revamped Neste Oil organisation. The production functions of both businesses will also now become the direct responsibility of each business. Production & Logistics, which previously managed these activities, will cease existence as a separate organisation. Logistics will be managed by Oil Products. These changes will not affect Neste Oil’s reporting segments, which remain Oil Products, Renewable Products, Oil Retail and Others.

Two new members have also been appointed to the Neste Executive Board (NEB) as part of these changes and various changes have been made to the responsibilities of some of the other members of the NEB.

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