worldsteel to launch Steel Safety Day

Based in Brussels, Belgium, World Steel Association (worldsteel) – a representative of steel producers, research institutes and other associations — plans to launch a Steel Safety Day, reiterating its commitment to the safety and health of the people who work in the steel industry. This safety awareness day is aligned with the World Safety Day held by the International Labour Organisation on 28 April every year. In support of this global event, worldsteel and its members will carry out an industry-wide safety audit.
Image: World Steel Association 
worldsteel has carried out an analysis on safety and health practices in the steel industry over the last five years and has identified the main causes of serious safety incidents. The Steel Safety Day is set up to reinforce awareness of the five most common causes of safety incidents and to create a safer working environment.

Edwin Basson, director general of worldsteel said: “worldsteel is requesting all its members as well as all related organisations within the steel industry to carry out a special audit on the five main causes of safety incidents in all plants around the world. We hope to see that every steel plant in the world has carried out the recommended audit, has identified and developed a plan or already eliminated the risks associated with the main five causes of incidents and put all mitigating measures permanently into place.”

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