In June 2013, on their 10th anniversary, Divisione Trading changed their name to “SpecialSteelStock”, which a spokesperson for the company says “better identifies who they are and what they offer, and also reflects on the huge quantity of special materials held in stock.”
The company has more than 2500 tons of special steels in stock, such as Duplex 31803, Super Duplex 32750 and 32760, Austenitic XM-19 and Super Austenitic 31254 and 904L. They stock plates, round bars and round and square billets for forging. Upon request they supply welded tubes and welded elbows as well as acc. to drawing machined pieces. They offer Nace and Norsok European materials. Testing is also carried out at a nearby laboratory.
In 2012 they obtained Achilles’s certification. They sell to all continents, with worldwide shipments being arranged daily.