Siemens involved in full-scale CO2 capture

Siemens Energy has been awarded to participate in a technology qualification program for full-scale CO2 capture at Mongstad. The purpose of the technology qualification program of Gassnova and Statoil is to qualify at least one technology out of five and demonstrate that it can be scaled up and used at the combined heat and power plant at Mongstad, and that it will meet all HSE requirements.
The project started in late spring when Gassnova and Statoil started in an open international process to select companies for technology qualification for full scale capture of CO2 from the existing combined heat and power plant at Mongstad. The technology qualification program is divided into three phases and will last for three years: In a first step feasibility studies will show that the technology can be used at Mongstad.
In this step companies must demonstrate that technologies can be scaled up; that they have the necessary operational regularity; and that high capture ratios are possible to achieve in relation to energy use and costs. The second step will focus on the demonstration plant to show that the process will work and that the emissions will be within the specified criteria.
This shall include vendors’ test of chemical and process technology so that real emission data can be analysed and evaluated based on the limit set for release at Mongstad. The third and final step will be the concept Phase for design of full scale CO2 capture at Mongstad. Successful results in the technology qualification program will allow for a selection of technology in first half of 2014.
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