First Academy of Joint Integrity launched

The FDS Group (Flexitallic Group, Novus Sealing, Siem Supranite and Induseal Gaskets), has launched The Academy of Joint Integrity with facilities in Aberdeen, Teeside/ Humberside, West Yorkshire and internationally in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, South Africa, Nigeria, Thailand, China, Middle East and Kazakhstan. The Academy’s training programs deal with the lack of standardised qualifications for bolted joint assemblers, recognized by the industry as a leading cause of joint leakage. The FDS Group created The Academy to offer accredited and awareness training courses in joint integrity and flange management processes. The programs recognise the significant role sealing technology plays in the safe operation of a bolted joint. Gary Milne, manager of the Global Client Training Division of the FDS Group will head the new academy. Gary has extensive technical experience and in depth knowledge of the sealing industry and joint integrity products and services.

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