Seven-foot stainless steel keeper

A seven-foot stainless steel structure has been placed to guard the Flintshire lighthouse in the UK, after 150 years of the position being vacant. The sculpture, named The Keeper, has been installed on the balcony of the Point of Ayr lighthouse on Talacre beach, which is visible from various points on the Wirral. Lighthouse owner James McAllister wanted the statue to honour the ghost rumoured to be living in the building. He contacted artist Angela Smith, who lives in Talacre, to see if she could create a piece for the lighthouse. Angela was told the sculpture couldn’t be too heavy to be fitted on the balcony of the building and she needed to use a material which would be weatherproof, which was why she chose stainless steel. She created the shape of a man’s body with chicken wire and stuck cardboard pieces to it before giving it to blacksmith Richard Jones, who replaced the cardboard pieces with steel and welded the structure together.

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