Simufact Engineering GmbH, a provider of software and services in the area of bulk metal forming, has finalized its 9.0 version of Simufact.forming. The new version will be sent to customers and interested parties starting the end of October. The new version includes more than 100 new features and improvements, which will ease in practice the user’s work of creating simulation models. Close attention has been hereby paid especially on further improvement of the characteristics and functions appreciated by existing customers, i. e. the ease of use of the software environment, a short learning phase, and a practical oriented approach to process simulation. In the 9.0 release of the software, the powerful “Dual-Solver Technology” was further developed and offers users the possibility to access the latest solver technologies of MSC.Marc and MSC.Dytran from MSC Software. In addition, the new version focuses on the new application modules (open die and radial forging processes, ring rolling as well as sheet metal forming) available with this version, which allow a fully automated process simulation, including optimized meshing strategies. In this context, the newly developed “ring mesher” offers an efficient possibility to execute simulations of any forming process with axial parts. Also available for the first time is the “sheet mesher”, which allows the powerful simulation of sheet metal forming, starting with a 3D CAD model of the blank sheet.