GE Sensing’s NPI-12 series of solid state, media isolated pressure sensors are designed for applications that detect tube blockages and pump performance. The stainless steel finished NPI-12 is intended to mount adjacent to flexible tubing to sense tube expansion. The unit offers: media isolation; 0.20 mV/V/psi sensitivity; ±0.1% accuracy; operating temperature 10C to 40C; 5 VDC excitation; and a four pin connector. Applications include: level sensing, automotive systems, process control, pneumatic controls, and hydraulic systems. The NPI-12 incorporates IsoSensor technology. The unit is designed to operate in hostile environments. The piezoresistive sensor chip is housed in a fluid-filled cavity and isolated from the measured media by a stainless steel diaphragm and body. The pressure sensitivity is calibrated at 0.20±0.01 mV/V/psi. The combined errors of linearity, pressure hysteresis, repeatability and temperature are less than ±4 %FSO. The maximum overpressure is 50psig. A five volt excitation is needed to supply power to the device. The operating temperature range for the NPI-12 is +10C to +40C, while the storage temperature is –40C to +70C. Electrical connection is accomplished with a 4 pin connector that accepts standard .025in square posts on .100in centers. A red wire allows for recognition of connector orientation.