LS A286 stainless steel super alloy

Latrobe Specialty Steel has reintroduced the aerospace Grade LS-A286 to the enthusiastic aircraft fastener and turbine engine supply chains for this vacuum remelted stainless steel super alloy. Latrobe Specialty Steel makes LS-A286 in vacuum remelted and double-vacuum melted forms for a vast range of shapes and sizes. LS-A286 in both melt-method variations starts in the electric arc furnace and then the AOD or argon oxygen decarburization unit for initial refinement. From there, it may move directly to the vacuum arc remelting furnace or to one of Latrobe’s two 30 ton Vacuum Induction Melting furnaces. After processing in the VIM, LS-A286 is vacuum arc remelted, which produces a cleaner alloy with fewer inclusions. Specialty Steel Supply, a wholly owned subsidiary of Latrobe Specialty Steel, will stock popular bar sizes of LS-A286 meeting specifications of oil/gas and aerospace sectors.
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