Langley Alloys divests

Langley Alloys Ltd (Trent, UK) has divested its bronze alloy castings business, Meighs Castings, to MetalTek International Inc., whose HQ is in Wisconsin, USA. Langley Alloys is now set to fully focus on its business in wrought high-strength, corrosion resistant alloys. Langley Alloys has extended its range of speciality stainless steel alloys with the introduction of FERMONIC 50 (XM19) and also widened the range of duplex stainless steels to include SAF 2507, 2205 and UNS 32760 (F55). Supporting the stainless steels is a range of high strength bronze and nickel-copper alloys including HIDURON191 and 130, HIDUREL 5 and, most recently, MONEL ALLOY K500. The HIDURON and HIDURAL alloys were also developed and patented by Langley Alloys and retain a niche slot in the marine corrosion and bearings markets. To support the market, increased stocks of all these alloys are held at the Stoke on Trent site together with modern cutting and inspection facilities. The Company has also announced that it will soon be re-locating to a custom-built metals distribution centre close by in the Staffordshire area. This move will trigger a further extension in the alloy range and product sizes offered, along with further investment in equipment.
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