New generation of underground trains

The Hamburger Hochbahn AG (Hochbahn) has awarded a contract to a consortium of Alstom Transport and Bombardier Transportation for the delivery of a new generation of underground trains type DT5. The contract includes the delivery of 27 trains from 2009 to 2013 as well as an option of a minimum of 40 additional vehicles. The contract totals EUR 240 million, including the options of 40 trains. Alstom´s share being EUR 123 million, Bombardier’s share is valued at EUR 117 million. The scope of the Salzgitter-based consortium leader includes the delivery of the mechanical part, the bogies and the brake system. Bombardier Transportation is going to supply the electrical equipment from its sites Hennigsdorf and Mannheim. As of autumn 2011, one part of the DT5 fleet will be used principally on a new connection between the emerging quarter “HafenCity” and Hamburg’s city centre. The “City Line“ U4 will connect the future city area (which is going to be built from 2007 as part of the biggest city development project in Europe) with the city centre in three minutes.
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