An expanded series of 17 stainless steel .1475 Pitch miniature chain sprockets introduced by Stock Drive Products are designed for applications and provide a high degree of position control, low backlash, good tensile strength, as well as corrosion resistance. Available from Stock Drive Products, the new sprockets, designated as the A 6X 7-14 Series, are designed to operate with single strand ladder-chain types, as well as with miniature chains. Manufactured of 300 Series clear-passivated stainless steel, the sprockets are suitable for use in instrument drives, small appliances, and chemical and photographic applications. They are available in .1475 pitch with pitch diameters ranging from .340in. to 2.255in., outer diameters from .392in. to 2.307in. and bore diameters from .0937in. to .250in. Sprocket widths range from 11/32in. to 13/32in. The hubs contain a tapped hole for set-screw retention of the sprocket onto shafts.