Driven by growth in Asia, the market for macro liquid filtration equipment and media will rise to USD 4 billion in 2005 from USD 3.8 billion this year. This revised forecast has just been published in the McIlvaine online report, Liquid Filtration and Media: World Markets. This market segment is the heavy-duty end of liquid filtration. It includes belt filter presses which
dewater sewage sludge. It includes filter presses that separate chemical products from slurries. It includes granular media filters that purify drinking water. Also included are drum filters, leaf filters, automatic back wash filters, and bag filters. The municipal water and municipal wastewater segments are the largest purchasers. China with its large program of expansion has forged ahead, and by 2006 will be the leading purchaser of granular media filters. The USA will be second, and the next four countries will be far behind: Japan, India, Germany, UK.