Steam generators at Belgian nuclear plant replaced

Westinghouse Electric Company has won a USD 11.8 million contract with the European energy company Electrabel to replace the two steam generators in operation at Unit 2 of the Doel nuclear power plant in Belgium. Doel Unit 2 is a Westinghouse designed two-loop pressurised water reactor located on the river Scheldt near Antwerp commissioned in 1975 and operated by Electrabel. Westinghouse will perform the reactor coolant system works, steam generator lifting and handling and primary steel containment opening and closing. It also includes the installation and removal of a temporary personnel hatch and platforms inside the primary containment. Said Roger Schene, managing director of Westinghouse Electric Europe: “Our technical approach permits parallel undertaking of both the inner and outer containment, creates a safer work environment and keeps the polar crane available for other tasks during containment work. This results in a significant time saving.” Steam generator replacement outage at Doel is scheduled for 2004.

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