Technip-Coflexip and Subsea 7 have announced that their Australian entities, Technip-Coflexip Oceania and Subsea 7 (Australia) Pty Ltd have been awarded a contract by Woodside Energy Ltd for the subsea installation part of the Trunkline System Expansion Project. The Joint Venture contract, worth around USD 55 million, is for the subsea offshore works associated with the new second trunkline from the Goodwyn and Rankin gas condensate fields on the North West Shelf. The second trunkline will facilitate an increased production from existing and potentially new fields in the area. The scope of work includes the tie-in of Woodside’s second trunkline into the existing infield facilities near the North Rankin A platform, via hyperbarically welded and flanged spoolpieces and a 350Te valve manifold. The second trunkline work also includes the dewatering and conditioning of the trunkline and stabilisation of the trunkline by installation of approximately 900 concrete gravity anchors. Following start up of the second trunkline, extensive pipeline system modifications on the existing first trunkline at North Rankin A platform will be carried out. Engineering has just started and the offshore works will be carried out in three phases during the period August 2003 to April 2004.
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