Newmont expands Nevada gold mining

Newmont Mining Company (Denver, Colorado) is proceeding with several projects at its Nevada gold mining operations. The company has submitted a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Leeville project. The Leeville underground mine will add 18 million tons of ore, which will be trucked to Newmont’s mill #6 in the South operations area for crushing and then on to the refractory ore treatment plant. The project includes a waste rock disposal facility, refractory ore stockpiles, mine discharge wastewater treatment system, a pipeline, and a canal system. The underground mine will have five shafts, one mining and four ventilation shafts. Two backfill plants will also be built.
The Leeville project will most likely occur after the expansion of the existing Gold Quarry operations. The Gold Quarry expansion will include a layback of the existing open pit mine and the addition of the Chukar underground mine.

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