The British Stainless Steel Association is pleased to announce a Stainless Steel Specialist Course, which is anticipated will fast become the industry standard for anyone working with stainless steel. Since its launch in Australia two years ago, over 600 people have registered for the course at Intermediate or Full Certificate level. With the benefit of this hands-on experience, and with assistance from the Stainless Steel Advisory Service to incorporate European standards, the course offers comprehensive information about every aspect of stainless steel practice. It is suitable for all employees from senior managers to shop floor workers and for all disciplines. The BSSA Stainless Steel Specialist Course contains 16 challenging and rewarding Training Notes. They cover a wide range of topics about stainless steel from introductory to more complex material. Input from industry has ensured that topics covered are relevant to the workplace. Each Training Note consists of a booklet (8-36 pages) and a series of multiple choice and short answer examination questions. They are offered as a self-paced correspondence course.