SMC Corp., USA, has announced the release of the its new style Series SY – 5 port solenoid valves for use in all industries, including semiconductor, packaging, machine tools and automotive. The pilot valve (Series V100) used on the new series SY valves has a standard power consumption of 0.35W. With optional built in power saving circuit. The valve is constructed with a stainless steel body cover. The series SY- 5 port solenoid valves are available in four sizes in both body ported and base mounted type, with Cv ranging from 0.11 to 2.2. The response time of these valves range from 10mS to 35mS, depending on the size of the valve. The SY valves are available in various manifold configurations, including bar stock type, stacking type and cassette type, with the electrical connection option of individual wiring, flat ribbon cable or connector box.