320bar descaling plant for plate mill

SGGT Hydraulik has announced that it has received an order from ThyssenKrupp Steel for the supply of a new primary descaling plant. The system was installed in October 2009 at the Duisburg-South plate rolling mill. Featuring operating pressures of up to 320bar, the plant is able to cope with scale typical of nickel-alloyed steel grades. Comprehensive tests prior to the order placement had demonstrated that it was necessary to have this unusually high operating pressure of up to 320bar to produce enough impact to reliably perform this descaling task. SGGT Hydraulik GmbH uses cartridge-type valves. The valves feature nominal widths between 200 and 250mm. The plant for TKS is used to descale slabs up to 2400mm wide and between 90 and 380mm thick. It is arranged between two existing furnaces and can be used for all slabs in the mill. As the top header of the plant will be hydraulically adjustable, its height can be optimally set relative to the thickness of each individual slab. The order has been placed on a turn-key basis and encompasses delivery of all components, assembly and commissioning of the complete plant consisting of the descaling unit and the associated water hydraulics. The accumulator volume amounts to 24m3. The scope of supply also comprises electrical controls, automation and visualization systems for the plant.
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